Solid friction modifiers for rail head crown (TOR)

The solid friction modifier is designed for the reduction of wheel running surface wear, keeping the friction coefficient between the wheel running surface and rail head crown at around 0.3.

As a result, the lateral forces in the wheel/rail contact are limited and, consequently, wave deformations of rails, the crumbling of material from the wheel running surface, and the level of noise are reduced.

The dimensions of the friction modifier and its applicator shall be chosen according to the character of the operation, available free space and maintenance plan. The evaluation of technical requirements is necessary for the correct solution.

Solid friction modifiers for rail head crown (TOR)

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  • "The supply of the palletising robot satisfied our expectations. Sklenář, s. r. o., was evaluated as one of our best suppliers with an exemplary approach to solving
    our problems."

    František Peringer, Gypstrend, s.r.o.
  • "Great job, as always.“

    Michael Smilansky FUJI ROBOTICS, USA
  • "Sklenář, s. r. o., was a good choice. Although our
    requirements were rather specific, we were always satisfied
    with the result."

    Ing. Dalibor Krejsa, JSP International, s.r.o.
  • Looking back on a long and very appreciated partnership, we engaged Sklenář s.r.o. for an installation of a special lubrication system for the top of rails. The manufactured parts by Sklenář s.r.o. were made of high quality and the installation work was perfect. Another good cooperation with Sklenář s.r.o.

    Günter Herzig, Managing Director IGRALUB AUSTRIA GmbH
  • In 2015, we started a trial operation of a system of the additional lubrication of tram wheel flanges and the rail heads, supplied by Sklenář s.r.o. The HeadLub 90 friction modifier used meets the required parameters, and its applications significantly eliminate undesirable sound pressure and reduce the wear.

    an Šurovský, Ph.D., Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy (04/2016)
  • "We have been co-operating with Sklenář s. r. o., for more than 10 years, appreciating prompt service, professional handling, high quality and performance.“

    Rainer Nothhelfer SGH Schüttguthandling, Germany

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